When will the wedding take place?

On Saturday, October 8, 2011, just before sundown. (Hopefully this answer will be replaced with a real time at some point before the wedding.)

Where will the wedding be held?

The wedding will take place at Matthew's parents' house. They live at 3307 S. Culberhouse in Jonesboro, Arkansas.

How should we get there?

The nearest airport is in Memphis, Tennessee, about 90 minutes away. (It's 60 minutes away if you drive like Bill Harrison or Mohan Ramaswamy.) The Little Rock airport is somewhat farther away but gets flights from different carriers, and so it may be worth a look as well.

You can find more information on the Travel page.

Where are you registered? 

Please don't feel obliged to buy a gift. We've been incredibly blessed already to have you all as our friends and family; there's nothing else we need. But if you must, you can find our wish list here, or you can search for us on Amazon.